God designed us to live in full color.

The doors to the God Made Girl Club are now open!

Come join a club where your heart and creativity will be sparked!


What is God Made Girl Club?

It's a whimsical ART CLUB inspiring women to Paint Happy, Embrace Imperfection, and Live Colorfully!

God Made Girl Club

Welcome to God Made Girl Club! 

"I am a God made girl, creating a magical, colorful world!" 

This is a club where your heart and creativity will be sparked! This is a club for encouragement, community, and inspiration. This club is for you to see in deeper and more colorful ways that "You are a God Made Girl!" It's a club filled with weekly encouragement, videos, art dates, and how-to's from my studio. This is a club where I'll share everything I'm learning. This is a CLUB filled to the brim with heart and color and fun! 

And it's SO MUCH MORE! 

We'll be inspired to live life with wonky and freedom! To confidently know deep in our bones and heart and soul, that we're made in the glorious image of God. God designed us to live in full color. He believes in us. He delights in us and sings over us!


What is God Made Girl Club?

Adding Color to Life.

Imagine embracing the “Play of life!” and having fun doodling, drawing, painting… going back to your childhood imagination and creating! I’ll teach you how to use your favorite quotes and verses in a fun creative way. And how you can make them come alive with drawing and painting them!

More Freedom. Less Perfection.

Imagine where we throw perfection out the window and embrace the wonky and colorful! I'll encourage you to let go of performance, live wonky, paint wonky, and move into "happy action"!

Behind the Scenes.

Imagine having access to a God-filled creative process plus tools, tips, and insight to help you grow in an understanding of your uniqueness. I’ll pull the curtains back and show you what I'm working on in realtime. And this can inspire you to create and use your own gifts in deeper ways in the real world.


Conversations and Community. 

Imagine a community of like-minded people wanting to grow and share with others what it means to be a God Made Girl. Each month, I'll lead a video Q&A to answer your questions and continue the conversations about what is on your minds and in our hearts.

Stacey and Ellie Kate Webb

Stacey: "I originally joined for Ellie Kate, and I was so excited for her to get some art lessons from her favorite artist. What I did not expect was to be a part of a community of women who are so encouraging, uplifting, and just really invested as a whole. It's so inspiring! When the world tells you to conform a certain way, for God Made Girl Club to be a place that says be unique, be different, be who God made you to be, and be set apart. I love when Ellie Kate and I get to paint together. We thought we were getting art lessons from Tricia, and what we got were heart lessons, that deal just as much with our heart as our art skills.”

Ellie Kate: “And everyone needs some sparkle!"

Tracy Schmitt's Experience

When I joined this club, I knew it was going to be special, but I couldn't have imagined how it would become such an important part of my life. This is a group of "kindred spirits" and creativity, fun, faithful people led by Tricia and her team. I feel, if we all gathered together, we would be smiling, laughing, filled with  joy and delight as well as dressed in bright colors and being "WONKY" in the very best ways and be fast friends. What a privilege it is to be A God Made Girl Living Creating a Magical Colorful World. I feel like I am able to take the delight I have and share it with all those around me. This is exactly what we need right now...and always.

"You are here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in this world... God is not a secret to be kept we're going public with this."

Is this for me?

It's for anyone who wants to feel more empowered in being a God Made Girl.

To know our identity in Christ and how He made us for such wonderful things!

"We are God's beautiful workmanship... created in Christ Jesus to do good works?"
-Ephesians 2:10

It's for anyone who wants to dream bigger and brighter.

"Souls who follow their hearts thrive."
-Proverbs 13:19

It's for anyone who needs a permission slip to be free and create and live in a more colorful, wonky way!

"Christ has truly set us free."
-Galations 5:1

Barbara Westerbeck

I had contemplated before joining, but it was the best decision I made! I want to encourage you that if you're contemplating joining this group, ask yourself these questions...Do you want to be part of an amazing group of women who seek to honor the Lord in their art? Do you need a safe place to learn new art skills? Have you ever wanted an amazing art mentor? Be encouraged to let go of perfectionism and embrace your wonky? Then you need to join God Made Girl Club!

It's brought back joy in my life, color, a sense of community, laughter & fun, and it gave me the courage to pursue the business side of art. So come walk on the wonky side of life and join God Made Girl Club!

Emily Fendig

Tricia speaks God's truth about His delight over us as creators! He created color, so we're coloring creation and I'm so thankful for God Made Girl Club and the timing of now. My prayer for all of us here is that God will continue to let His light shine through us, and through our brushes, so that we can continue to shine our light and bring colors to the world!

Stef Shirer

(Dressed like a "Be" girl! )

I always look forward to Thursday (when the new content is released)! Best day of the week! 

I'm here to be your cheerleader!

And I can't wait to see how GOD MADE GIRL CLUB lights up your life in beautiful and joy filled ways!


The cost of God Made Girl Club is $34/month. You can cancel anytime. Or save 15% with an annual membership of $347.

How does it work?

Membership Pricing


Just $17


1/2 Off Your First Month!

(Then pay just $34 each month.)
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It's a club where I provide weekly offerings. 

This is what you'll receive:
Education and Inspiration

Each month I'll teach a fun painting lesson. It's all about learning to "Paint Happy"! And I'll teach you step by step in creating a painting from start to finish!  In the past, we've painted churches, girls, butterflies, birds, the Eiffel Tower, Christmas and Easter themes...and the list goes on! I mainly teach acrylic and mixed media, but I also teach watercolor in a free and fun way too! 

I'll share how Scripture and my favorite quotes inspire me everyday to create and make! My videos are real and unscripted... they will be wonky and colorful and playful! I'll share what God is teaching me and how scripture inspires my art. I'll share tips and techniques I've learned along the way. Through our journey together we will be creating a world around us in more magic and color. Our creations will ”come alive” and you'll see a deeper meaning into living in the here and now. It will be so fun to see how God inspires you in your own art-making and vision of scripture!

Permission Slips

This is the week you will put your creativity into action! It will be a fun challenge where we'll encourage each other to let go of perfection, live wonky (embrace imperfection), play, and move into “happy action”. Each month I'll send different permission slips as well as action steps. This will be a time where you see your creative spirit take wings and find more freedom in life and work!

Behind the Scenes

I'll pull the curtains back and share behind the scenes like I've never done before! See projects I'm working on, retreats I'm planning, successes and failures in my work, and the colorful aspects of being a God made girl. I'll dive deeper into the meanings behind some of my paintings and share many of the lessons I've learned throughout the years of being an artist. I invite you to sit alongside me as I journal and reveal how the Christian calendar inspires my paintings.

Q&A session

Conversations! Grab some coffee or tea, or maybe something bubbly....and I'll have Q and A each month! Come with questions and I'll share all that I'm learning or have learned. You can ask me whatever you want and it will be a special time to connect and share OUR obstacles, fears, hopes, and dreams.


God Made Girl Club is about growing closer to God through creativity. It's about dreaming together and growing together. We’re leaving judgment and fear at the door and embracing our gifts and going for it!

God Made Girl Club is about making Scripture come alive in our hearts and daily lives. It’s a journey that I’m so excited about going on with you.  It’s not a step by step painting course but I’ll definitely be sharing techniques of my painting routines. I’ll also be sharing all about my inspiration and behind the scenes of why and how I make paintings. It’s bringing my conversations and prayers with God and sharing them with you too.  I’ll walk alongside you in this process. And will offer you inspiration and insight into how you can shine more into this world with your gifts. 

I’ll teach techniques but I won’t be sharing step-by-step of making a painting from start to finish. The educational time will focus on sharing my favorite ways to sketch and paint and how I’m inspired. 

If you’re interested in taking a course from me where I teach “Paint Happy” eCourses, jump over to my “Paint Happy Course” tab. 

YES! I’ll be sharing openly and honestly about what helps me focus on the “sunshine of life”.  I’ll share my studio days and practices so you can see inside the themes and routines that I have daily and monthly.


Also, I’ll pull back the curtain and give you a “behind the scenes” look at how I started my art career and made it into a very fun and meaningful work!


In this community, you’ll be inspired from others as well! 

YES! Each session will be have 4 offerings which can happily fit into your schedule:

  1. Education to help inspire you and move you into “Happy Action!” 
  2. Creative “Permission Slips” and “Surprises” 
  3. A behind-the-scenes look into my art life and art business.
  4. A 45-60 minute Q &A conversation.

On the first Thursday of each month, a new session will begin. You’ll receive a weekly email letting you know each time new content is available. You have access as long as you are a member, to it so can visit it again and again, as much as you’d like!  

I’ll have several videos each month. My educational videos range from 45 to 60 minutes. The Q&A is around 45 minutes. The Behind the Scenes are around 20-35 minutes. 

Yes! I believe that community is key and so powerful in the midst of all we’re going through.  And I believe this community of people (I like to think of everyone as a kindred spirit as in Anne of Green Gables) is going to shine so bright and we’ll be lifting each other up in beautiful ways!  You’ll have access to the private God Made Girl Facebook group once joining the membership.

I've created a list of supplies that I often use in my art. These are optional, and you may want to just follow along as I paint during the tutorials and use supplies you already have at home like pencils, pens, tape, markers, etc. 

But you also may want to get some supplies too.

Supply List

God Made Girl is a monthly membership. This means when you sign up, you’ll be billed for the first month of your membership and then receive access to that month’s content.


After that, you’ll be automatically billed each month, on the same day as your original purchase. For example, if you sign up on the 24th of the month, you’ll be billed on the 24th of the following month.

Not a thing. Your membership fee will be automatically charged every month via the same payment method you enter when you sign up.

As long as you’d like! 2 months, 1 month,12 months! 50 months! You can cancel at any time.

Yes! I’ll have a private God Made Girl Facebook Group where you can ask questions. I’ll be in the community answering questions weekly and will be hosting the Facebook Q&A each month.


I absolutely love sharing all that I know. And this will be a wonderful place where we can all grow and inspire one another to live fully!

I'd love to answer any questions you have! You can reach me here:

[email protected]


50% Complete

Two Step

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