“Lets create a magical verse dress together!” 

YES! I'm Ready To Create My Verse Dress


We invite you to enter into a world where your heart and creativity will be sparked!


This free download and inspirational video will bring joy and light to your heart through God's Word.


💛 Choose the verse that speaks to your heart 💛
💛 See yourself in your paper doll 💛
💛 Play with color to create your verse dress 💛
To confidently know deep in your bones, and in your heart and soul that you are made in the glorious image of God. 


God designed us to live in full color.

He believes in us.

He delights in us and sings over us!


We are God Made Girls creating magical colorful worlds!

Join me in creating a fun verse dress paper doll!

Verse Dress for Every Day of the Week

Imagine wearing scripture... Imagine going through your day wearing a dress that has a verse on it that speaks straight to your heart. 

With these 3 printable sheets, you'll have 7 verses so you can pick one out for each day of the week to place on the dress.

Your Verse Dress Paper Doll is a Reminder of God's Love over You.

You can set your paper doll up somewhere where you can see it daily... in your kitchen, your bathroom, a dresser. You can take it with you, put it in your purse, set it in your car and it's a day to day reminder of God's love for us. And also a reminder how He DELIGHTS in our joy and creating. He sings over us!

Behind the Scenes How to Video

I pull the curtains back and share which verse I chose, what it means to me and how I have created my verse dress. It's my hope that this will inspire you to create in new ways! And I also hope that this will help you draw closer to God's heart and imagine “wearing His Word.”

Share Your Dress!

We would LOVE... to see your beautiful verse dress on our facebook page! Share the verse that spoke to you, the meaning behind it and how it made you feel when you imagine wearing it.

Want more creativity and color in your life..?


We have something special for you...💛

It's called God Made Girl Club! 

Tracy Schmitt's Experience

When I joined this club, I knew it was going to be special, but I couldn't have imagined how it would become such an important part of my life. This is a group of “kindred spirits” and creativity, fun, faithful women led by Tricia and her team. I feel, if we all gathered together, we would be smiling, laughing, filled with joy and delight as well as dressed in bright colors and being “WONKY” in the very best ways and be fast friends What a privilege it is to be A God Made Girl Living Creating a Magical Colorful World. I feel like I am able to take the delight I have and share it with all those around me. This is exactly what we need right now...and always.

“You are here to be light,

bringing out the God-colors in this world...

God is not a secret to be kept we're going public with this.”


Krystal Bilberry

My heart is in full bloom since I joined this club. Leaning in and doing all of the prompts and creative exploration Tricia inspires us to do (creative journaling quiet times, permission slips, painting freely, etc) has changed my everyday. There's so much I could share but simply put all I can say is, “I’m not the same person I was before I joined this club! God used this club and Tricia‘s beautiful heart to change my inner life!” Thank you!

Mari Flores

Joining The God Made Girl Club was the best decision I ever made! Channeling into God's love, our faith and understanding our job to share color and art will just explode the talent all over. I look forward to every Thursday for each new lesson. Whatever your art talent level is, God Made Girl Club will bring it to the next level.

YES! I'm Ready To Create My Verse Dress