Autumn Card Tutorial 🍂

fall watercolor Sep 21, 2023

“Be alert. Be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out!” - Isaiah 43:29 (MSG) ✨


Yay for Fall! 

We’re starting a new season, and turning the page to a new chapter. 

Just like this week’s verse says, “God is doing something brand-new!”, we’re going to write this verse, doodle and paint a simple fall leaf, and create a little autumn card for yourself or a friend. 

🍂🍁🍃I hope this helps y’all look for the surprises that God has for us during this time of the year, and think of this as a fresh start in your own life!


Let’s make our card! You can use any type of paper - I’m using handmade cotton deckle edge paper. Fold it in half and write your verse with a permanent pen. I’m using a Faber-Castell pen. I love getting a verse out of my head and onto paper because it really helps me see things in a new way. I’ll also doodle a few flowers and leaves. Plus, I’ll write the words “I’m open to surprises” because it’s a fun way to view each day! God has sweet surprises for us! 


Now, I’m going to work on the front and show you how to draw a wonky leaf. 🍂The more loose and imperfect your leaf is, the better! I’m going to start by drawing a curve on the top, then three curves down each side until it comes to a point to create the stem. Add a line down the middle and a few lines off to each side along with a couple of hearts. I’m also going to add a border around my card with some doodle flowers. 


Get your watercolors and let’s add color! 🌈 I’m going to add yellow and pink watercolor paint to my leaf, pink to my hearts, yellow to my flowers, and some blue stripes in the background.


Next, I’ll add color to the inside of my card. Feel free to underline or add boxes around words or phrases that are meaningful to you. I’m also going to paint my leaves and flowers. I’m using yellow, orange, pink, and blue to bring some color to my Bible verse. I’m also going to add “God made a road through the desert” because that is such a key part of the verse!

This card is a love note from God - and also is a symbol of God’s love this fall season. As the leaves fall, think of them as love notes from God too! If you have a friend who’s really struggling, this would be a great gift to remind them that God is going to do something brand-new. 💕

If you loved making this magical autumn art, come join my upcoming Pumpkin Blessing workshop! We will be creating a colorful pumpkin that will bring more color and joy to your fall! One that is made with paint and paper. And this pumpkin will be filled with lots of love. It’s more than just a painted pumpkin. But a pumpkin that tells a story and is also a reminder of God’s blessings for you. This online workshop starts September 28th!

🖌️Supply List:🎨

  • Prima Marketing Watercolors - Classics
  • Faber-Castell Pen
  • Paper for Card - You can use any type of paper- I’m using “handmade cotton deckle edge paper” that you can find in my Amazon store supply list.  (My Favorite Art Supplies) 
  • Paint Brush: Size 9

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