Watercolor Pumpkin Tutorial 🎃

fall pumpkin Sep 13, 2023

“Souls who follow their hearts thrive.” - Proverbs 13:19 (MSG)

I am so excited to paint a pumpkin with y’all today using some watercolor paints! We’ll be building on the skills we learned last week doodling a pumpkin, and now we’ll be adding some bright colors and washi tape. I’ll also be sharing all of my favorite supplies for creating this festive, whimsical pumpkin - perfect for the new fall season!


Start by drawing a wonky circle and adding a stem. Then, add some lines to your pumpkin and doodle on some flowers. This should be quick, fun, and completely imperfect.


Now let’s add color! I’m making this a little abstract and just adding orange and pink watercolors to my pumpkin and stem, blending the colors together. Then, I’ll add some little areas of blue and red both to my stem and my pumpkin. Finally, I’ll add yellow to my flowers. I’ll also paint a quick pink border to my art piece too.


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Doodle Pumpkins 🎃

fall pumpkin Sep 07, 2023

And now, God, do it again. Bring rains to our drought-stricken lives so those who planted their crops in despair will shout hurrahs at the harvest, so those who went off with heavy hearts will come home laughing, with armloads of blessing.” - Psalm 126 (MSG)

I’m reflecting on Psalm 126 today,  journaling this passage, and doodling some pumpkins. As we head into a new month and a new season, I would love for you to claim this verse over your life.

I also have an upcoming workshop on September 28th that I am so excited to share with y’all, and that project is based on this verse. We will be painting a blessing pumpkin and journaling this verse around the pumpkin too. Pumpkins can be a word picture for this verse, so every time you see a pumpkin or create a pumpkin in your artwork, you can be reminded of this meaningful verse! Sign up HERE!

When I am practicing my art journaling, I use something called the SWIPE method. I read scripture, then I write it, then...

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