How to Create a Bliss Station For Creativity ๐ŸŽจ

bible verse watercolor Sep 29, 2023

“And let the loveliness of our Lord, our God, rest on us, confirming the work we do. Oh yes, affirm the work that we do!” - Psalm 90:17 (MSG) ๐Ÿ–Œ๏ธ๐ŸŽจ

I love this verse because it speaks so beautifully of creating and living an art-filled life - whether that is painting, gardening, baking, anything! We are going to take this verse, write it, paint it, and I’ll also share with y’all what a bliss station is and how to create one in your own home. 


Write out the passage on a piece of paper. I am using a piece of mixed media paper and a Faber Castell SC pen. We are going to use this verse as a sacred prayer for our bliss station. ๐Ÿ™


Let’s add color and details! ๐ŸŒˆ I'm using Prima Marketing Classics Watercolors to add paint and decorate this verse. I’m coloring hearts and adding some yellow and blue dots. I’ll also doodle a little border with flowers. This is so simple and easy, and now you have a pretty verse for your bliss station and to carry you through the fall.

What is a Bliss Station and How to Make One

To me, a bliss station is where you just bring yourself to create. I got this idea from Austin Kleon and then added Scripture and a prayer. Here’s how you can create your own bliss station to spark your creativity and inspire you to make something beautiful:

  • Use a corner of a room or little spot in your home. This doesn’t have to be anything big - it could be a tiny desk, your kitchen table, a rolling cart, etc. This is simply a place, BUT a sacred place. Feel free to put all of your art supplies and inspiration here.

  • Play - just play! This is a sacred place and a sacred time. You can set a timer for one hour and think of this as time to play. “Play is the highest form of research.” - Einstein.

  • Bring in inspiration. This could be photos, magazine pages, things from Pinterest, drawings. etc. 

When you combine a sacred place with sacred time, magic happens. I love thinking of this particular verse from Psalm 90:17 when I’m creating at my bliss station because I can just feel God’s loveliness, warmth and sparkles on me. I hope this inspires you to make your own bliss station!

Get on the wait list for the God Made Girl Club! This is a club where your heart and creativity will be sparked! It’s a club filled with weekly encouragement, videos, art dates, and how-to’s from my studio. This is a club where I’ll share everything I’m learning. This is a CLUB filled to the brim with heart and color and fun!

๐ŸŽจSupply List:๐Ÿ–Œ๏ธ

  • Watercolors : I'm using Prima Marketing Classics Watercolors
  • Brush: any size
  • Permanent Pen: I'm using Faber Castell SC
  • Paper : Any kind of paper. I’m using Mixed Media paper. Cardstock paper works well too!

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