Painter of happy. Believer in whimsy. Seeing Godā€™s smile in the everyday.

Watercolor Cross with Flowers! šŸ’


“God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us - so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:21

We’re in Eastertide, so we’re drawing a cross with flowers around it! :) 

Step 1:

With a Faber-Castell size B, I’m sketching out the cross. Then, I’m drawing flowers all around the cross. 

Step 2:

With my favorite watercolor pink (I'm using Prima Marketing watercolors), I’m coloring in some of the flowers! Go in with a darker pink red and paint that in more of the flowers. I then chose orange for the other flowers. 

Now, with a yellow, I’m painting in the cross.

Step 3:

Add a squiggle line around the flower border with yellow, and add fun little doodads! I got my pen back out, and drew hearts and wrote “Love is here”, under the cross. Paint in the hearts and bubble letters with pink!

Step 4:

This is when you can add more details to the flowers! Bring more colors and patterns into the...

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