Painter of happy. Believer in whimsy. Seeing God’s smile in the everyday.

Doodling Isaiah 61 đź’›

doodle scripture watercolor Oct 04, 2024

I love reading through Isaiah, and this chapter in particular speaks to me so much. Isaiah 61 reminds us we are anointed! 

“To care for the needs for all who mourn in Zion, give them bouquets of roses instead of ashes.” Isaiah 61 MSG

I truly think creating is a healing balm. So as we doodle this verse, we can heal from whatever we may be going through! 

Using a Faber-Castell SB pen, I'm going to draw out this verse in a very simple way. I wrote out the verse and then doodled a rose border around it.

Then, using watercolors (or magic markers), fill in the roses with pink and the leaves with green. I'm using Prima Marketing watercolors (You can find on Amazon).

Keep adding! I'm a maximalist, so I painted a border around the verse and then stripes in the background.

Using washi tape, I taped on a portion of a hymn that reads, "God is my refuge, God is my Strength"

Love to you!

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