Joy Flower 🌼


“The Joy of the Lord is my strength.” - Nehemiah 8:10

For today’s mini art tutorial, we are going to be drawing and painting a Joy Flower, based on the verse from Nehemiah and my new 2024 calendar, which features this fun flower. All you need to create this little art piece is some paper, a pen, a paintbrush, watercolors, and washi tape. I hope this serves as a reminder that God is our joy and strength. 


I’m using mixed media paper, and I’ll just take my scissors and cut it a little smaller into a more wonky shape. I’m going to make mine into a little card, but you can do whatever you would like with your own art piece! 

I am using a size B Faber Castell pen. Draw your flower petals, and remember that they can be totally wonky and different sizes. Then, draw a circle in the middle with the word “JOY”. Next, add your stem and leaves. Doodle the words to your verse at the bottom of your page.


Now, let’s...

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