Painter of happy. Believer in whimsy. Seeing God’s smile in the everyday.

A Fun Paper House Part 1! 🏠

art craft house play May 03, 2024

Join me for Fun Friday!

Today we're creating a paper house!! Embrace the play in life and create a house around the verse, “God you smiled on your good earth! You brought good times back to Jacob.” Psalm 85

Get a piece of paper, a glue stick or some tape ready. With a magic marker, I'm drawing the shape of a house, and of course, adding in the door and windows! 

Now get your scissors out, and cut a line down the center of the window and two slits on the top and bottom so they fold out. 

For the door, leave the left side in tact so you can open and close it! Add some tape to the back and tape it to another piece of paper, so you can't see through the windows--Next week, we'll draw fun things in the windows!

Here's a view of the other house I made!

Happy Day!

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Psalm 19 Devotion 💖

art devotion doodle Apr 26, 2024

Join me as I share some things that God is speaking to my heart with! Tell yourself, “I am an artist!”, and bring in more sketching and doodling into your verse writing today. I started thinking more about God leading us. Psalm 19:7-14 MSG has so many good aspects to learn from: “The life-maps of God are right, showing the way to joy.”, “The direction of God are plain and easy on the eyes.”, “The signposts of God are clear and point out the right road.”, and “The revelation of God is whole and pulls our lives together.”

So I drew this girl to showcase these verses! She has a magical suitcase full of art supplies and a bird perched on her hand, singing. I love using birds as a representation for the Holy Spirit, and how God leads us by His Spirit.

I doodled the words that make this girl the Psalm 19 girl! She’s blooming, she’s looking at God’s life maps, she’s listening to God’s voice. Her...

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Watercolor Cross with Flowers! 💐


“God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us - so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:21

We’re in Eastertide, so we’re drawing a cross with flowers around it! :) 

Step 1:

With a Faber-Castell size B, I’m sketching out the cross. Then, I’m drawing flowers all around the cross. 

Step 2:

With my favorite watercolor pink (I'm using Prima Marketing watercolors), I’m coloring in some of the flowers! Go in with a darker pink red and paint that in more of the flowers. I then chose orange for the other flowers. 

Now, with a yellow, I’m painting in the cross.

Step 3:

Add a squiggle line around the flower border with yellow, and add fun little doodads! I got my pen back out, and drew hearts and wrote “Love is here”, under the cross. Paint in the hearts and bubble letters with pink!

Step 4:

This is when you can add more details to the flowers! Bring more colors and patterns into the...

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Happy Sunshine Day Watercolor! ☀️

doodle sunshine watercolor Apr 03, 2024

Let’s make a Happy Sunshine Day sun together! This sunshine can be a reminder to fight for joy!

Step 1:

Using a pen or pencil (I’m using my Faber Castell size B pen), Draw a circle, and little imperfect squares around it for the sun rays.

Step 2: 

with a smaller pen, write in bubble letters, “Happy Sunshine Day!” in the circle. In the sun rays, you can right whatever you like. For example, “God Love’s you!”, “have fun today!”, “smile”, “God is for you!”, “A cheerful heart fills the day with song” (Proverbs 15)

Step 3:

Now, using your watercolors, get into the yellow and paint your sunshine! *Tip* make sure you use a permanent pen if you plan to go over with watercolors, because permanent pen won’t smudge from the water!

I painted in some of the words with pink, and added dollops of pink throughout the sunshine. Then I went in with blue and orange and painted those all in the...

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Let's Draw Iris Apfel: Part 2! 🖌


Join me for Part 2 in talking about and coloring Iris Apfel! “life is very gray, so fashion should be fun.” I’m all about color and wonky, so this quote really speaks to me! So put on your big round Iris Apfel glasses on and paint with me!

Step 1: 

Using size 12 and size 9 brushes, and Prima Marketing Pastel Dreams watercolor set, paint the glasses hot PINK! You can use magic markers or anything, it’s up to you what medium you want to color in!

*Tip* you want to hold the brush in a light feathery way for watercolor. For the hair, use a brown and add streaks of yellow to add depth. Use about 3 shades within the hair! I use light brown, yellow and dark brown. Then, paint the lips pink! *Tip* with watercolor, if you make a mistake, go in with a paper towel and blot the color away! Paint in the skin tone whatever color you would like! Looseness is key!

Step 2:

Start painting in the accessories! Pink, blue, and yellow for the beads; pink for the collar,...

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Let's Draw Iris Apfel: Part 1! 👓

drawing girl iris apfel sketch Mar 21, 2024

Let’s sketch this super inspiring woman and embrace her style and fun today! As she says, “Life is very grey so fashion should always be fun!” and “When you don’t dress like everyone else- you don’t have to think like everyone else.” Part 2 is coming soon where we will color her in!

Step 1:

With a brush pen, I’m drawing the spectacle glasses first (Faber castle: SC pen) and then draw the face around it!

Step 2: 

Draw the face around the glasses, with the nose and mouth, and the eyes within the glasses. Then, draw wavy lines above the glasses for the hair. Add a little neck, and accessorize the top with a collar, chunky necklace, and more! Add the rest of the hair and make it look however you like! :)

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A Springtime Tree! 🌳

diy sketch spring watercolor Mar 14, 2024

Get out a little piece of paper and pen, and draw with me! We’re sketching and making a springtime tree! I think it is so important to schedule a time to daydream and sit with God. “When I am among the trees, especially the willows and the honey locust, equally the beech, the oaks and the pines, they give off such hints of gladness. I almost say that they save me, and daily” -Mary Oliver

I highly encourage you to read the rest of the poem and be truly inspired! 

Step 1:

I’m drawing a simple tree! Start by draw two curves going different directions to make the trunk. Then a cloud like shape for the leafy part!

Step 2:

Write wonkily in your tree, “To go easy, to be filled with light and to shine.” - Mary Oliver. Draw some extra lines around the top of the tree.

Step 3: 

I’m going in with watercolor, and painting what I call a “Matisse” tree! And what this means is I’m going in with all kinds of color in the tree....

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Let's Sketch a Flower Bouquet! 💐

art bible verse flowers sketch Mar 07, 2024

 We are sketching a flower bouquet today! 

My hope and prayer is that we truly feel the smile of God! You can get some paper, pens, and start writing, drawing or just listen and enjoy! We will be creating around two special scriptures today. “You made me so happy, God. I saw your work and I shouted for joy.” Psalm 92:4(MSG) and “And let the loveliness of our Lord, our God, rest on us, confirming the work that we do. Oh yes, Affirm the work that we do!” Psalm 90:17 (MSG)

Step 1:

Pause, Pray, Write Scripture, Draw. Write Psalm 90:17 on a piece of paper. Think about what “the loveliness of our Lord” means! How can you translate this verse into your daily life?

Step 2:

Flip the piece of paper over and start drawing your bouquet of flowers! Start by drawing a wonky flower shape with a brush pen, and then draw the vase shape from the first flower. The vase is almost a ‘V’ shape and then a shorter, upside-down...

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Paper Phone for Lent! ☎️


“Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you;
therefore he will rise up to show you compassion.
For the Lord is a God of justice.
Blessed are all who wait for him!” Isaiah 30:18 (NIV)

We are in the season of Lent! Counting down to Easter! This is a project I do every year for lent, and I wanted to share it with you, too! So we are making a paper phone! I was asking God how I can be closer to Him, and He showed me the sweetest way. I wanted to have something where I could think about God every time I pick up my phone. It’s about slowing down during the day, taking a pause, and every time you want to pick up your real phone, pick up your paper phone instead!  

Step 1:

Trace around your phone on a piece of paper. Layer two pieces of paper, and cut out the shape so you have two pieces of paper the size of your phone. Then staple the sides. Cut out curves or shaping so it looks more like the shape of your phone. *Insight* Vacare Deum: means Space for God, Vacant, Making...

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Matthew 5:14 Girl 💗


“You are here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept, we're going public with this.” Matthew 5:14 MSG

Step 1:

Using a pen, draw a border around the page of your sketchbook (I’m using a Moleskine sketchbook), adding little hearts in the corners.

Then, I’m going to start drawing a girl in the middle. Starting with half circle for the head, and two curves for the hairline. Finish off the top of the head with two curves and a wobbly circle on the top left to look like a bun. 

Then, draw two little lines for the neck and curve down for the shoulders and arms, where it almost is a triangle shape. Draw a horizontal line at the top of the shoulders for the top of the dress and bring the edges in as you come down to the waist. From the waist, bring the edges way out to create a big ball gown dress! Draw any details for sleeves, trims, flower belt, and draw little lines from the sleeves for the arms. Make the girls...

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